Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sun light in a world of darkness and gloom

With all the wars, crooked Politians, bailouts, and every other horrible thing the media has to say about the world we live in it can make it a pretty hard world to live in. To add on to this each one of us has our own little trials we go through. However, there are still rays of sunshine. Every day the sun still comes up. We still have beautiful families to come home to. We have wonderful memories of good times we've had. In reality the list of good things could go on much longer than all of the bad things the media and the world could possibly cook up.
Ally and I found a little ray of sunshine just outside out apartment window. The view we used to not pay any attention to has a birds nest with five baby birds in it. The parents work hard all day long to bring enough food to their babies. Every five minutes or so they show up with food, usually they both come at the same time. The mother bird usually feeds and the daddy bird keeps an eye on me to make sure I'm not going to do anything.
It's the simple things in life really. Sure we have an apartment that we can barely fit all our stuff into. Sure the people that live around us keep the hours of a rock band. It all just seems to become background to the little rays of sunshine we are trying to find. I guess it all comes down to perspective. If you let the small apartment or neighbors with weird hours rule your life than they will and the rays of sunshine that will come regardless of whether or not we notice them will become the background and will remain unnoticed. But, if we focus on those rays of sunshine it can change the picture entirely. It makes the sunshine the focal point and allows everything else to fall into the background.

Monday, May 11, 2009

New Semester

Well May has come along with a new semester for both of us. I finished up doing pretty well in my classes last semester. Ally is very excited to be going back to school and finishing up her degree. She will finish up classes this December and then do her intership next spring. I am taking a full load and working as well just trying to chip away at school as well. I'm sure one day it will be done. Right?
We are both counting the days until our cruise on the 31st of this month. We can hardly wait just to be able to relax and not have to baby sit 1000 college students every night. Which by the way is going well. We got through the change in semesters which is usually the peak time for us.

Funny story about that actually...every semester because of move-ins and move-outs we change the parking permit that is required for the students, so those who lived hear during the school year need to get a new one during the summer. To avoid problems we put up signs, send out e-mails, and remind everyone that they need a new permit, but inevitably there are always a few choice individuals who ignore all of the reminders and still get booted. At 5:00 Wednesday morning we received a call from one of these choice individuals parents. Side note-The majority of the people living at Glenwood are students and most go to BYU. They take classes like O-Chem, Adv. Calculus, and other classes that common folk like you and I don't even understand the title of. Continuing-5:00 Wednesday morning Ally answers the phone and it is the mother of this resident who was booted and she is LIVID. She takes turns yelling at both Ally and I, all but insulting both of our mothers. After dealing with her Ally and I both laughed and joked about how it would have been if our parents called and yelled at anyone any time anything went wrong. We can hardly wait until this resident gets married and the mother calls the spouse in a yelling fit because he/she has left there underwear on the ground or is squeezing the tooth paste from the middle. Moral of the story, Thanks parents for letting me grow up and although sometimes it may have been rough to watch I think it has made me a better person.