Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What a weekend!

So as most of you know I got towed up at Dayton's Berfday party, but what most of you don't know is that less than 24 hours later I came out to go to church and as I went to climb into my car there was a boot fastened tightly around my front tire. Now luckily I have more connection in Provo than I do in Salt Lake so I called the tow truck company and told them that I was going to go to church and that when I get back I better not have a boot on my car. 3 hours later there was an appologetic note on my car and the boot had been removed.
Monday was quite a day Adam met me at Cabelas and we had a gay ol' time. Adam just kept saying "you'll need this and this and this" and so we were having a great time until we got up to the cash register and as the cashier told me the total I looked back at Adam who had a grin from ear to ear back at me. To say the least I will be fishing this week.
Ally is doing EFY this week so I don't get to see her very much and I am a little beside myself. It's interesting how dependent I have already become on her. She is just amazing and helps me so much with everything. Which is another reason why I will be fishing several times this week.

That's all!

Saturday, May 17, 2008


So there I was wondering what was going on in everyone's lives and BAM everyone in the whole family has a blog. This is pretty efficient. I was thinking in stead of having to have everyone come to my wedding I would just post some pictures, but in order to do so I will need life size card board cut outs of everyone. That way I have pictures of all of you at my wedding. In fact I might just live the rest of my life via this blog, or hopefully for your sakes ally will keep it up for me because I'm kind of a slacker like that.

Everything is going well down here in Provo. We are just chippin away at wedding plans. Neither of us are too picky about anything so we haven't had any problems. Just so everyone can mark it on there calendar the reception will be August 7th and the wedding and luncheon will be August 8th.

We are both really excited for that day to come. Everyone is awesome and this really is a good idea, and should save Pam hundreds on her cell phone bill.