Saturday, May 17, 2008


So there I was wondering what was going on in everyone's lives and BAM everyone in the whole family has a blog. This is pretty efficient. I was thinking in stead of having to have everyone come to my wedding I would just post some pictures, but in order to do so I will need life size card board cut outs of everyone. That way I have pictures of all of you at my wedding. In fact I might just live the rest of my life via this blog, or hopefully for your sakes ally will keep it up for me because I'm kind of a slacker like that.

Everything is going well down here in Provo. We are just chippin away at wedding plans. Neither of us are too picky about anything so we haven't had any problems. Just so everyone can mark it on there calendar the reception will be August 7th and the wedding and luncheon will be August 8th.

We are both really excited for that day to come. Everyone is awesome and this really is a good idea, and should save Pam hundreds on her cell phone bill.


Adam said...

Hola! Good to see that someone gave you the memo... (I am betting it was Pam) Let me be the first to say, that you may NOT have a cardboard cutout of me to strategically place at your wedding. Those are generally reserved for German Jujitsu theme parks and can also be found at

no that's not a real link Pammy...

Austin said...

Welcome to the bloglife Al to the dos. Ha thats a good one. I looked into a cardboard cutout of me and it turns out that would be more expensive for the four of us than actually showing up, so sorry we are going to be there too.

The Ngs! said...

Alan! I'm sorry the cardboard cutout idea is bad. We're all going to be socially handicapped if we don't start interacting with real people. But I guess that's normal for people in provo, atleast the boys anyways.
Also, Adam... I really wanted to see if that was a link or not genius... I laughed so hard when you called me on it.

Brayden said...

Alan it's good to have you here. Glad you figured out that the fam had a blog. I'm looking forward to your next visit also and hopefully it's soon!!!=)

McNeil Family said...

I have a blog! I don't know how often I will be updating it, but we'll see how it goes. I don't know if the card board cutout thing will work for you... But it is a very efficient idea, except for the fact that everyone wouldn't be there to experience all the goodness. Sad.